Karakatsouli Nafsika is Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology of the Department of Animal Science of the Agricultural University of Athens. Her field of expertise is Aquaculture and her research interests focus on intensive rearing of Mediterranean fish species, aiming at improving rearing and productivity (e.g. physiology, nutrition, stress, well-being, rearing conditions). She has 33 published papers (h-index = 15, 650 citations) and 47 papers in national and international conferences. She is the scientific editor of the translation in the Greek language of two books (Fish Nutrition, Biology of Fishes), co-author of the study “Fish Feed Production in Greece” (HAPO), guest speaker at educational seminars, scientific coordinator in 12 research projects and member of the research team in three research projects. She is a reviewer in international scientific journals, evaluator-expert of research proposals and/or projects, has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Olympia and Bequests Committee of Zappeion Megaron and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Technology Platform for Aquaculture (HETEPA).