PhD. Saioa Ramos

Senior researcher, Efficient and Sustainable Process Department

Dr. SAIOA RAMOS is Senior Researcher at Efficient and Sustainable food chain department in AZTI. She graduated from University of Basque Country with a PhD degree in Environmental Agrobiology in 2015. She has a BsC degree in Biology (University of Basque Country; 2006). Saioa has experience in applying Environmental Footprint of food products and diets to identify potential improvements and reduce the environmental impacts. Her work is also focused on developing multi-criteria ad-hoc software tools for the implementation, calculation, verification, and effective communication of the environmental footprint of food products. Over 15 year of experience in the field, RAMOS has participated and coordinate national and international R&D projects. LIFE AQUAPEF which aims to integrate Product Environmental Footprint methodology in the Mediterranean aquaculture sector; EIT-BETTER which aims to integrate environmental and health effect of food products and diets; LIFE ECOLAC which aims to promote ecodesign processes in the spanish dairy sector and FP7 SENSE, which aims to develop a harmonize methodology to assess the environmental and social impact of European Food SMEs, are the most relevant project she has carried out